This document will help you upgrade from antd v1.0 to antd v1.1.

DSL Context

In version 1.0, when importing data from the context, it was accessed using request.field_name and injected into the rule as a parameter. In version 1.1, this has been updated to access it as within the rule.


entity user {}

entity account {
    relation owner @user
    attribute balance double

    permission withdraw = check_balance(request.amount, balance) and owner

rule check_balance(amount double, balance double) {
    (balance >= amount) && (amount <= 5000)


entity user {}

entity account {
    relation owner @user
    attribute balance double

    permission withdraw = check_balance(balance) and owner

rule check_balance(balance double) {
    (balance >= && ( <= 5000)

Lookup Entity Scopes

A new field called scope has been added to the lookup entity and lookup entity stream APIs. Here’s an example of how the scope can be used:

"scope": {
    "repository": {
        "data": ["r1", "r2"]
    "organization": {
        "data": ["o2"]

You can use the scope for multiple entity types. This request allows you to query only certain organizations and repositories. Below is an example that includes the entire body of the request:

    "metadata": {
        "snap_token": {{snap_token}},
        "schema_version": {{schema_version}},
        "depth": 100
    "entity_type": "repository",
    "permission": "edit",
    "subject": {
        "type": "user",
        "id": "u1",
        "relation": ""
    "scope": {
        "repository": {
            "data": ["r1", "r2"]
        "organization": {
            "data": ["o2"]
    "page_size": 20,
    "continuous_token": ""

By default, it will operate as it did in the previous version.

Page Size Limitations

The maximum validation for the page_size field in the lookup entity and lookup entity stream APIs was previously set to 100. This restriction has been removed, and there is now no limit on the page size.