Permify was designed and structured as a true ReBAC solution, so besides roles and attributes Permify also supports indirect permission granting through relationships.

With Permify, you can define that a user has certain permissions because of their relation to other entities. An example of this would be granting a manager the same permissions as their subordinates, or giving a user access to a resource because they belong to a certain group.

This is facilitated by our relationship-based access control, which allows the definition of complex permission structures based on the relationships between users, roles, and resources.

Permify Schema

Permify has its own language that you can model your authorization logic with it. The language allows to define arbitrary relations between users and objects, such as owner, editor, commenter or roles like admin, manager, member and also dynamic attributes such as boolean variables, IP range, time period, etc.


You can define your entities, relations between them and access control decisions with using Permify Schema. It includes set-algebraic operators such as intersection and union for specifying potentially complex access control policies in terms of those user-object relations.

Here’s a simple breakdown of our schema.


Permify Schema can be created on our playground as well as in any IDE or text editor. We also have a VS Code extension to ease modeling Permify Schema with code snippets and syntax highlights. Note that on VS code the file with extension is “.perm”.

Developing a Schema

This guide will show how to develop a Permify Schema from scratch with a simple example, yet it will show almost every aspect of our modeling language.

We’ll follow a simplified version of the GitHub access control system, where teams and organizations have control over the viewing, editing, or deleting access rights of repositories.

Before start I want to share the full implementation of simple Github access control example with using Permify Schema.

entity user {}

entity organization {

    relation admin @user
    relation member @user

    action create_repository = admin or member
    action delete = admin


entity team {

    relation parent  @organization
    relation member  @user

    action edit = member or parent.admin


entity repository {

    relation parent @organization

    relation owner @user
    relation maintainer @user @team#member

    action push   = owner or maintainer
    action read =  org.admin and (owner or maintainer or org.member)
    action delete = parent.admin or owner


You can start developing Permify Schema on VSCode. You can install the extension by searching for Perm in the extensions marketplace.

Defining Entities

The very first step to build Permify Schema is creating your Entities. Entity is an object that defines your resources that held role in your permission system.

Think of entities as tables in your database. We are strongly advice to name entities same as your database table name that its corresponds. In that way you can easily model and reason your authorization as well as eliminating the error possibility.

You can create entities using entity keyword. Let’s create some entities according to our example GitHub authorization logic.”

entity user {}

entity organization {}

entity team {}

entity repository {}

Entities has 2 different attributes. These are;

  • relations
  • actions or permissions

Defining Relations

Relations represent relationships between entities. It’s probably the most critical part of the schema because Permify mostly based on relations between resources and their permissions.

Keyword relation need to used to create a entity relation with name and type attributes.

Relation Attributes:

  • name: relation name.
  • type: relation type, basically the entity it’s related to (e.g. user, organization, document, etc.)

An example relation takes form of,

relation [name] @[type]

Lets turn back to our example and define our relations inside our entities:

User Entity

→ The user entity is a mandatory entity in Permify. It generally will be empty but it will used a lot in other entities as a relation type to referencing users.

entity user {}

Roles and User Types

You can define user types and roles within the entity. If you specifically want to define a global role, such as admin, we advise defining it at the entity with the most global hierarchy, such as an organization. Then, spread it to the rest of the entities to include it within permissions.

For the sake of simplicity, let’s define only 2 user types in an organization, these are administrators and direct members of the organization.

entity organization {

    relation admin  @user
    relation member @user


Parent-Child Relationship

→ Let’s say teams can belong organizations and can have a member inside of it as follows,

entity organization {

    relation admin  @user
    relation member @user


entity team {

    relation parent  @organization
    relation member  @user


The parent relation is indicating the organization the team belongs to. This way we can achieve parent-child relationship within these entities.


In Github workflow, organizations and users can have multiple repositories, so each repository is related with an organization and with users. We can define repository relations as as follows.

entity repository {

    relation  parent @organization

    relation  owner  @user
    relation  maintainer @user @team#member


The owner relation indicates the creator of the repository, that way we can achieve ownership in Permify.

Multiple Relation Types

As you can see we have new syntax above,

    relation maintainer @user @team#member

When we look at the maintainer relation, it indicates that the maintainer can be an user as well as this user can be a team member.

You can use # to reach entities relation. When we look at the @team#member it specifies that if the user has a relation with the team, this relation can only be the member. We called that feature locking, because it basically locks the relation type according to the prefixed entity.

Actual purpose of feature locking is to giving ability to specify the sets of users that can be assigned.

For example:

    relation viewer @user

When you define it like this, you can only add users directly as tuples (you can find out what relation tuples is in next section):

  • organization:1#viewer@user:U1
  • organization:1#viewer@user:U2

However, if you define it as:

    relation viewer @user @organization#member

You will then be able to specify not only individual users but also members of an organization:

  • organization:1#viewer@user:U1
  • organization:1#viewer@user:U2
  • organization:1#viewer@organization:O1#member

With organization:1#viewer@organization:O1#member all members of the organization O1 will have the right to perform the relevant action.

In other words, all members in O1 now end up having the relevant viewer relation.

You can think of these definitions as a precaution taken against creating undesired user set relationships.

Defining multiple relation types totally optional. The goal behind it to improve validation and reasonability. And for complex models, it allows you to model your entities in a more structured way.

Defining Actions and Permissions

Actions describe what relations, or relation’s relation can do. Think of actions as permissions of the entity it belongs. So actions defines who can perform a specific action on a resource in which circumstances.

The basic form of authorization check in Permify is Can the user U perform action X on a resource Y ?.

Intersection and Exclusion

The Permify Schema supports and, or and not operators to achieve permission intersection and exclusion. The keywords action or permission can be used with those operators to form rules for your authorization logic.


Lets get back to our github example and create a read action on repository entity to represent usage of and &, or operators,

entity repository {

    relation  parent   @organization

    relation  owner @user
    relation  maintainer @user @team#member


    action read =  org.admin and (owner or maintainer or org.member)


→ If we examine the read action rules; user that is organization admin and following users can read the repository: owner of the repository, or maintainer, or member of the organization which repository belongs to.

The same read can also be defined using the permission keyword, as follows:

 permission read =  org.admin and (owner or maintainer or org.member)

Using action and permission will yield the same result for defining permissions in your authorization logic. See why we have 2 keywords for defining an permission from the Nested Hierarchies section.


After this point, we’ll move beyond the GitHub example and explore more advanced abilities of Permify DSL.

Before delving into details, let’s examine the not operator and conclude Intersection and Exclusion section.

Here is the post entity from our sample Instagram Authorization Structure example,

entity post {
    // posts are linked with accounts.
    relation account @account

    // comments are limited to people followed by the parent account.
    attribute restricted boolean


    // users can comment and like on unrestricted posts or posts by owners who follow them.
    action comment = account.following not restricted
    action like = account.following not restricted

As you can see from the comment and like actions, a user tagged with the restricted attribute — details of defining attributes can be found in the Attribute Based Permissions (ABAC) section — won’t be able to like or comment on the specific post.

This is a simple example to demonstrate how you can exclude users, resources, or any subject from permissions using the not operator.

Permission Union

Permify allows you to set permissions that are effectively the union of multiple permission sets.

You can define permissions as relations to union all rules that permissions have. Here is an simple demonstration how to achieve permission union in our DSL, you can use actions (or permissions) when defining another action (or permission) like relations,

   action edit =  member or manager
   action delete =  edit or org.admin

The delete action inherits the rules from the edit action. By doing that, we’ll be able to state that only organization administrators and any relation capable of performing the edit action (member or manager) can also perform the delete action.

Permission union is super beneficial in scenarios where a user needs to have varied access across different departments or roles.

Nested Hierarchies

The reason we have two keywords for defining permissions (action and permission) is that while most permissions are based on actions (such as view, read, edit, etc.), there are still cases where we need to define permissions based on roles or user types, such as admin or member.

Additionally, there may be permissions that need to be inherited by child entities. Using the permission keyword in these cases is more convenient and provides better reasoning of the schema.

Here is a simple example to demonstrate inherited permissions.

Let’s examine a small snippet from our Facebook Groups real world example. Let’s create a permission called ‘view’ in the comment entity (which represents the comments of the post in Facebook Groups)

Users can only view a comment if:

  • The user is the owner of that comment or
  • The user is a member of the group to which the comment’s post belongs.
// Represents a post in a Facebook group
entity post {


    // Relation to represent the group that the post belongs to
    relation group @group

    // Permissions for the post entity

    permission group_member = group.member

// Represents a comment on a post in a Facebook group
entity comment {

    // Relation to represent the owner of the comment
    relation owner @user

    // Relation to represent the post that the comment belongs to
    relation post @post
    relation comment @comment


    // Permissions
    action view = owner or post.group_member


The post.group_member refers to the members of the group to which the post belongs. We defined it as action in post entity as,

permission group_member = group.member

Permissions can be inherited as relations in other entities. This allows to form nested hierarchical relationships between entities.

In this example, a comment belongs to a post which is part of a group. Since there is a ‘member’ relation defined for the group entity, we can use the ‘group_member’ permission to inherit the member relation from the group in the post and then use it in the comment.

Recursive ReBAC

With Permify DSL, you can define recursive relationship-based permissions within the same entity.

As an example, consider a system where there are multiple organizations within a company, some of which may have a parent-child relationship between them.

As expected, organization members are also granted permission to view their organization details. You can model that as follows:

entity user {}

entity organization {
    relation parent @organization
    relation member @user @organization#member

    action view = member or parent.member

Let’s extend the scenario by adding a rule allowing parent organization members to view details of child organizations. Specifically, a member of Organization Alpha could view the details of Organization Beta if Organization Beta belongs to Organization Alpha.


First authorization schema that we provide won’t solve this issue because parent.member accommodate single upward traversal in a hierarchy.

Instead of parent.member we can call the parent view permission on the same entity - parent.view to achieve multiple levels of upward traversal, as follows:

entity user {}

entity organization {
    relation parent @organization
    relation member @user @organization#member

    action view = member or parent.view

This way, we achieve a recursive relationship between parent-child organizations.

Credits to Léo for the illustration and for highlighting this use case.

Attribute Based Permissions (ABAC)

To support Attribute Based Access Control (ABAC) in Permify, we’ve added two main components into our schema language: attribute and rule.

Defining Attributes

Attributes are used to define properties for entities in specific data types. For instance, an attribute could be an IP range associated with an organization, defined as a string array:

attribute ip_range string[]

Here are the all attribute types that you use when defining an attribute.

// A boolean attribute type

// A boolean array attribute type.

// A string attribute type.

// A string array attribute type.

// An integer attribute type.

// An integer array attribute type.

// A double attribute type.

// A double array attribute type.

Defining Rules

Rules are structures that allow you to write specific conditions for the model. You can think rules as simple functions of every software language have. They accept parameters and are based on condition to return a true/false result.

In the following example schema, a rule could be used to check if a given IP address falls within a specified IP range:

entity user {}

entity organization {

	relation admin @user

	attribute ip_range string[]

	permission view = check_ip_range(request.ip, ip_range) or admin

rule check_ip_range(ip string, ip_range string[]) {
	ip in ip_range

We design our schema language based on Common Expression Language (CEL). So the syntax looks nearly identical to equivalent expressions in C++, Go, Java, and TypeScript.

Please let us know via our Discord channel if you have questions regarding syntax, definitions or any operator you identify not working as expected.

Let’s examine some of common usage of ABAC with small schema examples.

Boolean - True/False Conditions

For attributes that represent a binary choice or state, such as a yes/no question, the Boolean data type is an excellent choice.

entity post {
		attribute is_public boolean

		permission view = is_public

⛔ If you don’t create the related attribute data, Permify accounts boolean as FALSE

Text & Object Based Conditions

String can be used as attribute data type in a variety of scenarios where text-based information is needed to make access control decisions. Here are a few examples:

  • Location: If you need to control access based on geographical location, you might have a location attribute (e.g., “USA”, “EU”, “Asia”) stored as a string.
  • Device Type: If access control decisions need to consider the type of device being used, a device type attribute (e.g., “mobile”, “desktop”, “tablet”) could be stored as a string.
  • Time Zone: If access needs to be controlled based on time zones, a time zone attribute (e.g., “EST”, “PST”, “GMT”) could be stored as a string.
  • Day of the Week: In a scenario where access to certain resources is determined by the day of the week, the string data type can be used to represent these days (e.g., “Monday”, “Tuesday”, etc.) as attributes!
entity user {}

entity organization {

	relation admin @user

	attribute location string[]

	permission view = check_location(request.current_location, location) or admin

rule check_location(current_location string, location string[]) {
	current_location in location

⛔ If you don’t create the related attribute data, Permify accounts string as ""

Numerical Conditions


Integer can be used as attribute data type in several scenarios where numerical information is needed to make access control decisions. Here are a few examples:

  • Age: If access to certain resources is age-restricted, an age attribute stored as an integer can be used to control access.
  • Security Clearance Level: In a system where users have different security clearance levels, these levels can be stored as integer attributes (e.g., 1, 2, 3 with 3 being the highest clearance).
  • Resource Size or Length: If access to resources is controlled based on their size or length (like a document’s length or a file’s size), these can be stored as integer attributes.
  • Version Number: If access control decisions need to consider the version number of a resource (like a software version or a document revision), these can be stored as integer attributes.
entity content {
    permission view = check_age(request.age)

rule check_age(age integer) {
		age >= 18

⛔ If you don’t create the related attribute data, Permify accounts integer as 0

Double - Precise numerical information

Double can be used as attribute data type in several scenarios where precise numerical information is needed to make access control decisions. Here are a few examples:

  • Usage Limit: If a user has a usage limit (like the amount of storage they can use or the amount of data they can download), and this limit needs to be represented with decimal precision, it can be stored as a double attribute.
  • Transaction Amount: In a financial system, if access control decisions need to consider the amount of a transaction, and this amount needs to be represented with decimal precision (like $100.50), these amounts can be stored as double attributes.
  • User Rating: If access control decisions need to consider a user’s rating (like a rating out of 5 with decimal points, such as 4.7), these ratings can be stored as double attributes.
  • Geolocation: If access control decisions need to consider precise geographical coordinates (like latitude and longitude, which are often represented with decimal points), these coordinates can be stored as double attributes.
entity user {}

entity account {
    relation owner @user
    attribute balance double

    permission withdraw = check_balance(request.amount, balance) and owner

rule check_balance(amount double, balance double) {
	(balance >= amount) && (amount <= 5000)

⛔ If you don’t create the related attribute data, Permify accounts double as 0.0

See more details on Attribute Based Access Control section to learn our approach on ABAC as well as how it operates in Permify. you can see more comprehensive ABAC examples in the Example ABAC Use Cases section in related page.

More Comprehensive Examples

You can check out more comprehensive schema examples from the Real World Examples section.

Here is what each example focuses on,

  • Google Docs: how users can gain direct access to a document through organizational roles or through inherited/nested permissions.
  • Facebook Groups: how users can perform various actions based on the roles and permissions within the groups they belong.
  • Notion: how one global entity (workspace) can manage access rights in the child entities that belong to it.
  • Instagram: how public/private attributes play role in granting access to specific users.
  • Mercury: how attributes and rules interact within the hierarchical relationships.