This example demonstrates how to model public and private resource permissions.

entity user {}

entity resource {
  relation owner @user
  attribute is_public boolean

  permission view = is_public or owner
  permission edit = owner

In this schema we define two entities: user and resource. The resource entity has an owner relation to the user entity. We add an is_public attribute of type boolean to the resource entity.


  • view permission is granted if the resource is public (is_public is true) or if the current user is the owner.
  • edit permission is only granted to the owner.

So if is_public is set to true, anyone can view the resource. If it’s false, only the owner can view and edit it.

To create a resource with the is_public attribute, you would use the attributes argument in a data write request.

Here’s an example using the Go client:

value, err := anypb.New(&v1.BooleanValue{
    Data: true, // or false for private resources
if err != nil {
    // Handle error

cr, err := client.Data.Write(context.Background(), &v1.DataWriteRequest{
    TenantId: "t1",
    Metadata: &v1.DataWriteRequestMetadata{
        SchemaVersion: "",
    Attributes: []*v1.Attribute{
            Entity: &v1.Entity{
                Type: "resource",
                Id:   "1",
            Attribute: "is_public",
            Value:     value,

See our Instagram authorization logic example to learn how to use public and private resource permissions in a real-world use case.