Explore Mercury’s Authorization Schema in this example, delving into the intricate interplay among users, organizations, and accounts. Uncover the defined user roles, approval workflows, and limits, providing a snapshot of the dynamic relationships within the Mercury ecosystem.
For those who don’t know, Mercury is a bank offering both checking and savings accounts, complete with debit and credit card features. Given the delicate nature of financial transactions, Mercury has built-in access control features to ensure security.
But today we’re going to focus on approvals. Mercury allows it’s users to set a number amount for multiple user approval for any action.
For instance, an admin can decide that withdrawals above $1000 by members require approval from two designated approvers.
This means, if a member wants to withdraw more than $1000, they need a green light from two admin. And if an admin tries to withdraw they need an approval form another admin.
- Admin → Withdraw $1000 → needs an approver
- Member → Withdraw $1000 → needs 2 approvers.
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So let’s start with building basics. We need Users, Organization, Accounts both Savings and Deposits as entities in the mercury
entity user {}
entity organization {}
entity teams {}
entity accounts {}
Then inserting relations into these entities.
entity user {}
entity organization {
relation admin @user
relation member @user
entity accounts {
relation checkings @accounts
relation savings @accounts
relation org @organization
Next step is to define actions in our use case.
entity user {}
entity organization {
relation admin @user
relation member @user
entity account {
relation checkings @account
relation savings @account
relation org @organization
action withdraw =
Now we need to define our attributes which will help us create access rights via Withdraw Limit and Admin Approval of the account.
Every organization has a set withdrawal limit. Additionally, for members and admins of the organization, there are specific approval limits in place when they attempt to withdraw amounts exceeding this limit.
entity user {}
entity organization {
relation admin @user
relation member @user
entity account {
relation checkings @account
relation savings @account
relation org @organization
attribute approval integer
attribute balance double
action withdraw =
Let’s create our rules that defines our attribute-based access rights.
- Balance of the account must be more than withdraw amount
- If withdraw amount is less than the withdraw limit we don’t need approval
- Else; we need approve of two admins if we’re member, and we need approve of single admin if we’re another admin.
entity user {}
entity organization {
relation admin @user
relation member @user
attribute admin_approval_limit integer
attribute member_approval_limit integer
attribute approval_num integer
action approve = admin
action create_account = admin
permission approval = (member and check_member_approval(approval_num, member_approval_limit)) or (admin and check_admin_approval(approval_num, admin_approval_limit))
entity account {
relation checkings @account
relation savings @account
relation owner @organization
attribute withdraw_limit double
attribute balance double
action withdraw = check_balance(balance, request.amount) and (check_limit(withdraw_limit, request.amount) or owner.approval)
rule check_balance(balance double, amount double) {
balance >= amount
rule check_limit(withdraw_limit double, amount double) {
withdraw_limit >= amount
rule check_admin_approval(approval_num integer, admin_approval_limit integer) {
approval_num >= admin_approval_limit
rule check_member_approval(approval_num integer, member_approval_limit integer) {
approval_num >= member_approval_limit
At last, as you can see we use the Rules to define access rights to withdraw which basically translates into;
- Check balance if it’s over the withdraw amount. If not don’t allow the action.
- Check withdraw limit; if it’s less than the limit allow the action…
- Else;
- Check if user is admin, and have approval more than the approval limit for admins.
- Check if user is member, and have approval more than the approval limit for members.
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This is the end of demonstration of the authorization structure for Facebook groups. To install and implement this see the Set Up Permify section.