Deploying Permify with Helm Charts
Helm is a package manager for Kubernetes applications that simplifies the deployment and management of applications in a Kubernetes cluster. Using Helm, you can package and release your applications as charts, which are pre-configured Kubernetes resources.
You can learn more about helm here
Helm Charts for Permify
Permify provides Helm Charts to facilitate the deployment and management of Permify in Kubernetes environments. Helm Charts encapsulate all the necessary Kubernetes resources and configurations required to run Permify, making it easy to deploy and maintain.(helm-permify-github)
Helm installation
Installing the Helm Chart pretty easy but there is a pre-requisite of setting up Kubernetes Cluster.
If you do not have a Kubernetes cluster you can choose any of the four below options.
1. EKS-Amazon Elastic k8s service
3. AKS-Azure kubernetes Service
4. microk8s
1.1: Install Helm Chart Using Script
If you like doing everything from scratch then I would suggest you to install the Helm Chart Using script.
Run the following scripts -
You can verify the installation by running the command
If helm is installed the terminal will provide this as output
1.2: Install Helm Chart with package Manager
If you like package manager then you use the following install command based on your preference -
If helm is installed the terminal will provide this as output
Adding the Permify Helm Charts Repository
To use Permify Helm Charts, you need to add the Permify Helm Charts repository to Helm. Follow these steps:
1. Open your terminal.
2. Run the following command to add the Permify Helm Charts repository:
3. After adding the Permify Helm Charts repository, you can search for available charts using the following command:
Installing Permify using Helm Charts
Once you’ve added the Permify Helm Charts repository, you can install Permify using Helm